March 11, 2025


Where Pop Culture and Cocktails Collide

Drink Identifier: The Beers of Scream 1 (1996)

A man in a green tshirt holds a beer in the air. An inset picture shows a close up of the label.

This label looks very 90s. Do you recognize it?

The beers (real and fake) of Scream 1 (1996).

As will become apparent in the Scream series, a lot of the beer in Scream are fake brands made by prop artists. Probably because most beer brands don’t want to be associated with underage drinking and being murdered. But the Scream movies usually call for a bunch of underage kids (often played by fully adult actors) to have an underage drinking party and then be murdered, so product placement opportunities are slim.

There are two different beers in the first Scream, a real one that the characters never interact with and a fake one that the horny doomed teens drink.

Mendocino Brewing Company Red Tail Beer

Two young women shop in a supermarket. Behind them is a full display of beer bottles, posters, and tshirts.
Who buys beer shirts at the supermarket?

This looks a lot like product placement. I mean, it looks like someone looked at the set dressing and was like “hmmm, needs more. Somebody nail some shirts to the wall.”

Mendocino Brewing Company is a mostly defunct brand that operated out of Northern California. The release of this movie was shortly after the company went public, so makes sense for them to get some integrated advertising in.

The characters never actually directly interact with this beer, though you do see some bottles of Mendocino’s Red Tail and Blue Heron in the fridge Tatum grabs beer from.

An open fridge reveals a shelf of beer bottles.
This is not the beer the kids actually drink, confusingly.

Tatum famously throws beer at Ghostface though. I guess the folks at Mendocino didn’t like the idea of that and so the beer Tatum is suddenly armed with is…

Unknown / Probably Fake Prop Brand

A white leather boot near a smashed beer bottle.
Tatum had a real eye for footwear

This label looks so insanely 90s I’m somewhat inclined to believe it is real. However, I can’t find anything that looks like this bottle. It also makes sense to use a fake brand since you would need prop bottles made out of sugar glass or something that can be safely thrown at actors’ faces without causing injury.

This beer is later seen being drunk by the rest of the kids and the king of knowing the rules, Randy Meeks.

A group of high school students at a party drinking beer.
Tag yourself: I’m the confused guy sitting in the back.

If you recognize this 90s beer please let me know in the comments down below. I’m leaning towards it being made by a very 90s prop department though.

A man in a green tshirt holds a beer in the air. An inset picture shows a close up of the label.
This label looks very 90s. Do you recognize it?

Let me know if you have a suggestion for a Drink Identifier article or if I missed something in the comments below.

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