March 11, 2025


Where Pop Culture and Cocktails Collide

Drink Identifier: Scream 2

A woman and man sit next to each other as the man drinks from a beer bottle.

Pictured: Every college relationship.

The drinks of Scream 2 identified. Do they offer clues to the killer(s)' identities?

While the Scream franchise usually features a party during the climax of the film, Scream 2 barely features any parties or drinking. There is one party (during which poor CiCi is murdered) that features some drinks. There is also a chance they offer clues to the killers’ identities.

Keg Stand

College students at a party do a keg stand.
*note: this is not responsible drinking* Ah, this makes me nostalgic.

The party scene opens with a keg stand. It doesn’t mean anything, it just made me miss college.

Mickey’s Beer

A woman and man sit next to each other as the man drinks from a beer bottle.
Pictured: Every college relationship.

So usually the prop people on Scream movies at least slap a label on their prop beer bottles (even if it’s obviously fake), but for this movie they opted just to peel the label off a Mickey’s Grenade. If you’re unfamiliar Mickey’s is a cheap grain alcohol that comes with little riddles on the caps.

You may also remember one of the killers in Scream 2 is Mickey Altieri. Was this a subtle nod at the killer’s identity or just a coincidence? I’m guessing the first because the other main drink at the party is:


Two women in stylish dresses smile and hold martinis
I miss giant-browed Portia.

Portia de Rossi and Rebecca Gayheart’s sorority sister characters drink martinis with olives in them. Olives are salty. The other killer is using the alias Debbie Salt. *mind blown*

I was never invited to a college party that was fancy enough to serve martinis in actual martini glasses. Usually you tried to find the least dirty red solo cup laying around and rinse it out and pour some cheap nonsense booze into it with warm mixer and no ice.

Let me know if you have a suggestion for a Drink Identifier article or if I missed something in the comments below.

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